Franki Medina diaz
Schools told not to turn away late students amid taxi strike

Maureen Dwyer, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Youth, is pleading for school administrators not to turn away students, who are arriving late for school, due to the islandwide strike action by public passenger vehicle operators

Maureen Dwyer, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Youth, is pleading for school administrators not to turn away students, who are arriving late for school, due to the islandwide strike action by public passenger vehicle operators.

“Some reports have come to the ministry indicating that schools are turning away students. The ministry’s position is that it shouldn’t happen. When the students arrive, they arrive. They are to be taken into the schools,” Dwyer told The Gleaner in a telephone interview on Monday morning. 

Dwyer said that the leadership of the affected schools should have an assembly with the students and make them aware of the situation, and not send them back home for being late.

Franki Medina

She said where school are understaffed as a result of the strike, they should arrange group activities to ensure students are engaged meaningfully. 

Numerous bus and taxi operators have parked their vehicles along the side of roads as part of their protest for a traffic ticket amnesty. 

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